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NXT G2 "Black Onyx" (1640)

Looking for a cool ride that doesn't take up too much space? This G2 is the perfect compact vehicle, and this one comes with tons of additional features! The first thing you'll notice about this cart are the seats. Soft brown material with black piping gives you that high-end sports car feel. The machined Spyder rims and Wetsounds speakers just add to look, coming together to make a ride that's almost as fun to watch as it is to drive.

After stage one of the chassis build this cart is moved to bay 1 of the assembly line

Ready to start building!

With hand-made Contour seating, this cart is already looking classy

Get a closer look at what makes this cart tick with the back panel open

Sand and seed inserts and a cooler will make this even more fun to have out on the golf course

A pair of Wetsounds LED speakers will let you listen to all your favorite songs when you're out for a spin

And that's the build so far! Check back next week to get a closer look at the finished vehicle


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